暨“2025第 12届加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会”


International Convention of Traditional Medicine & Manual Techniques

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2011 International Convention Traditional Medicine was held in Toronto, Canada on the first week of August, 2011. The Convention was jointly organized by Chengdu University of TCM, International Association of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Manipulative Techniques and hosted by Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Canada), and United Alliance of NYS License Acupuncturist (U.S.A.). The topics of this Convention was focus on The Traditional Medicine and development, promoting the progress of standardization and internationalization.

2011 International Convention Traditional Medicine will gather the top experts from all over the world. Prof Zhang Jin, an internationally well-known expert in Acupuncture Technique will be present to guide throughout the Conference. Chengdu University of TCM Professor Liang Fanrong, Vice-president, will lead his research team; report their latest research on meridians. It will be a showcase and exhibition of various schools of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Tuina massage Acupressure technique, Chinese medical traumatology and classic osteopathy of North American, TCM Cosmetology techniques, Qi Gong, Tai-Chi, Emotional therapy and Hypnosis. We will also report on the theories of Traditional Medicine and experimental research as well as the outcome from clinical research.

August is the best time in Toronto for the glamorous Lake Ontario and World Wonder of Niagara Falls. Our fellows of TCM practitioners in Toronto welcome the guests around world with highest honor and sincerity.  


       2011 多伦多国际传统医学手法大会,将云集各国顶尖高手。享誉国际针坛,当代著名针刺手法国家级专家张缙教授将莅临指导;成都中医药大学付校长梁繁荣教授将率领他的科研团队;报告他们腧经穴研究的最新进展;各种流派的针法、灸法、推拿按摩点穴术、跌打骨伤手法、北美传统医学的骨疗、中医美容手技、气功太极、情志疗法/催眠术等都将百花争妍; 传统医药理论与试验研究及优势病种的临床研究都会有所报告。
