暨“2025第 12届加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会”


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2023 大会论文题目

2023 Academic Paper 

1. 张伯礼院士:中医药传承创新发展
Academician Boli Zhang: Inheritance, Innovation, and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine

2. 吴滨江教授:加拿大中医药针灸教育发展简介与研究分享
Prof. Binjiang Wu: Introduction and Research Sharing on the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Education in Canada

3. 郭宏伟教授:中医思维培养的再思考
Prof. Hongwei Guo: Rethinking the Cultivation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Thinking

4. 郑玉玲教授:中医药传承创新路径的探索与实践
Prof. Yuling Zheng: Exploration and Practice of the Inheritance and Innovation Path of Traditional Chinese Medicine

5. 赵继荣教授:中医药文化与职业病防治
Prof. Jirong Zhao: Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Occupational Disease Prevention and Control

6. 阚湘苓教授:中国中医学高等教育传承创新发展的思考
Prof. Xiangling Kan: Cogitation on the Inheritance, Innovation and Development of Higher Education of TCM in China

7. 周桂桐教授:脾胃病的中医药三级防治
Prof. Guitong Zhou: Three-Level Traditional Chinese Medicine Prevention and Treatment for Spleen and Stomach Diseases

8. 王富春教授:《中国近现代针灸文献研究》概要
Prof. Fuchun Wang: An Overview of Research on Chinese Acupuncture Literature in Modern and Contemporary Times

9. 李铁教授:《金针赋》毫针刺法研究
Prof. Tie Li: "Jin Zhen Fu" fine acupuncture Method Research

10. 陈晓琦教授:基于真实世界中医临床数据的原发性肝癌预测模型构建研究
Prof. Xiaoqi Chen: Research on the Construction of Prediction Model for Primary Liver Cancer Based on Real-World TCM Clinical Data

Prof. Dongming Fan: Introduction of Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Chinese Herb Therapy and Discussion of Case Studies

Prof. Zhaoqi Guo: Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain

13. 章文春教授:中医学生命观与气功锻炼--世中联海外中医系列教材《中国气功》编写思路
Prof. Wenchun Zhang: View of Life in Chinese Medicine Perspective and Qigong Exercise--Writing Ideas About Chinese Qigong, a Series of Teaching Materials on Chinese Medicine Overseas of the WFCMS

Prof. Jishun Hao: Chinese Scalp Acupuncture for Long COVID Symptoms

15. 刘东教授:张缙教授 24 式点穴按摩手法临床初探
Prof. David Dong Liu: Introduce Twenty-Four Acupressure Techniques

16. 冯新伟教授:逍遥散在临床应用的异病同治
Prof. Leo Fung: Treating Different Diseases with the Same Method: Clinical Application of Xiao Yao San

17.⻩昕讲师:中医辨证治疗“⻓新冠”后遗症—慢性咳嗽 48 例临床观察
Cindy Huang: Using TCM Syndrome Differentiation to Treat Long Covid Syndrome--- Clinical Observation for 48 Cases of Chronic Cough

Dr. Reginald Filho: Kan Li Acupuncture Channel Based Acupuncture

19.Dr. Miklós András Gervai:治疗中的科学与艺术 -吴教授的头部推拿和气功在匈牙利传播
Dr. Miklós András Gervai: Science and Art in Healing - Prof. Wu’s Head Massage & Qigong in Hungary

20. 李冠儒讲师:吴博士头部推拿对儿童进入深度睡眠状态的正面影响
Guanru Li: Positive Effect of Dr. Wu’s Head Massage on Children Entering Deep Sleep Stage

21. Dr. Henry Tarazona Medina:津沽脏腑腹部推拿临床研究新进展
Dr. Henry Tarazona Medina: Recent Research on Jin Gu Zang Fu Abdominal Tuina in the Clinical Practice