暨“2025第 12届加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会”


宗旨: 奖励和宣传在国际针灸领域中所取得突破成就的专家学者们,及为促进国际中医发展所做出重要贡献的杰出人士。
Mission: To reward and publicize the experts and scholars who have received achievements in the field of international TCM, and outstanding persons who have made important contributions to the development of international TCM.
范围: 以北美洲和中国大陆为主,为包括世界各国。
Scope: primarily North America and mainland China, but also includes all countries in the world.

Organization: The "Zhang Jin International Contribution Award for the Development of TCM Acupuncture" review committee under the "Zhang Jin International TCM and Acupuncture Development Charitable Foundation" is a permanent organization, with the award ceremony being held concurrently with the "Canada Acupuncture and TCM Continuing Education Conference".


Zhang Jin International Contribution Award for the Development of TCM Acupuncture