暨“2025第 12届加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会”


2009 大会论文题目

2009 Academic Paper 

臨 床 手 法 篇

1. 烧山火与透天凉手法之立法依据 / 张缙(黑龙江中医研究院‧中国)
The Basis of Burning-Mountain-Fire and Penetrating-Heaven-Coolness Technique Legislation / Professor Zhang Jin(Heilongjiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Academy, China

2. 浅谈针刺透穴 / 東贵荣等(上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国)
Clinical Application of point-through-point acupuncture / Guirong Dong, etc (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

3. “温通针法”的临床应用 / 方晓丽(甘肃中医学院‧中国)
Clinical Application of “Warming-dredging Acupuncture Manipulation” / Xiaoli Fang (Gansu Chinese Medicine College, China)

4. 彭氏针法 / 王小明(日本铃木医科大学‧日本)
Acupuncture methods of Jingshan, Peng / Xiaoming Wang (Suzuka University of Medical Science Acupuncture Medicine, Faculty of Oriental Medicine, Japan)

5. 中西合璧 医学新猷 --学习黄氏耳医学之管见 / 毛国云(加拿大耳医学中心‧加拿大)
Auricular Medicine ---The Combination of Chinese and Western Medicine in New Century / Richard G.Y. Mao, Canada Auricular Medicine Centre

6. 重新认识埋线疗法在针灸医学发展中的地位 / 任晓艳(北京任晓艳穴位埋线医学研究中心‧中国)
Re-Evaluation of the Suture Embedding in Development of Acupuncture Medicine / Xiaoyan Ren

7. 苍龟探穴针法治疗膝关节骨性关节炎疼痛疗效观察 / 胡伟民等(上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧ 中国)
The Effects Observation of “CangGuiTanXue” Acupuncture in Treating the Pain of Knee Joint Osteoporosis / Weimin Hu, etc. (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

8. 风池穴合谷刺法针刺治疗颈型颈椎病62例疗效观察 / 郑丽静等(上海杨浦区中医医院‧中国)
He Gu Needle Technique for Treating 62 Cases of Cervical Type of Cervical Spondylosis / Li-Jing Zheng, etc.(Yangpu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China

9. 脾之大络脉治多发性肌痛 / 田忆芳(滑铁卢中医诊所‧加拿大)   
Big collateral of spleen and fibromyalgia / Yifang Tian (Waterloo TCM Clinic, Canada)

10. 中风病针刺治疗关键技术的临床研究 / 东红升等(上海市针灸经络研究所‧中国)
Clinical Study on Key Technologies of Acupuncture Therapy in Treatment of Stroke / Hong-Sheng Dong, etc (Shanghai Institute of Acupuncture and Meridians, China)

11. 阴阳调衡透刺针法对出血性中风瘫痪肌张力调节的临床观察 / 王媛等(上海中医药大学 ‧中国)
Clinical Observation on Effect of Yin-Yang Balancing Penetration Acupuncture Therapy in The Treatment of Hemorrhage Apoplexy with Muscular Tension Dysfunction / Yuan Wang, etc (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

12. 阴阳调衡透刺针法治疗脑梗死后肌张力增高疗效的临床观察 / 焦志华等(上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国)
Regulate Effects of Yin-Yang Balancing Penetration Acupuncture on Treating ischemic Patients with Muscle Tension A Randomized Controlled Clinical Observation / Zhihua Jiao, etc (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

13. 皮下淤血活血化瘀局部针刺效应的可视性观察 / 東贵荣等(上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国)
The Morphological Observation of Acupuncture to Treat Subcutaneous Stasis / Gui-rong Dong, etc (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

14. 中医综合疗法治疗颈性眩晕94例临床观察 / 朗勇等(加拿大协和中医诊所‧加拿大)
TCM Manual Therapy for Treating Vertigo 94 Clinical Observation / Yong Lang, etc (Xiehe TCM Clinic of Canada, Canada)

15. 中医综合疗法治疗膝关节半月板损伤67例 / 朗勇等(加拿大协和中医诊所‧加拿大)
Integrated TCM Treatment of 67 Cases of Meniscus Injury / Yong Lang, etc (Xiehe TCM Clinic of Canada, Canada)

16. 刺络泻血治疗湿疹73例临床研究 / 刘劲华(多伦多新桥中医针灸中心‧加拿大)
Acupuncture-Luo (Blood Letting) for Treating Eczema 73 Case Study / Jinhua Liu  (Xinqiao TCM and Acupuncture Clinic of Toronto, Canada)

17. 针灸美容 / 王芳(加拿大安大略中医学院2008级硕士研究生‧加拿大)
Cosmetic Acupuncture / Fang Wang (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Graduates 2008, Canada)

18. 认识筋骨的关系,用正骨手法治疗筋伤/关秉俊(维多利亚‧加拿大)
Understanding Myofascia-Skeleton relation and Manipulative Treatment of Fasicia-Tendon Injuries / Bing Jun Guan (Victoria, Canada)

19. 中医针灸治疗不孕症 / 李彤(加拿大安大略中医学院2008级博士研究生‧加拿大)
Infertility Cure Using Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine / Diana Tong Li  (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, PhD Graduate 2008, Canada)

20. 中医针灸治疗多元性化学敏感症的临床研究 / 陈实成 (加拿大安大略中医学院2007级博士研究生‧加拿大)
A Clinical Study on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture in Treating Multiple Chemical Sensitivity / Franklyn Chen (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, PhD Graduates 2007, Canada)

21. 针刺治疗中风尿便失禁的临床观察 / 项颗(吉林省中医药科学院‧中国)
Clinical Observation of Acupuncture Treatment for Post-stroke Urinary Incontinence / Ke Xiang (Jilin Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

22. 脐针在痛症治疗中的应用 / 齐永等(浙江温州市第二人民医院‧中国)
Application of Navel-Acupuncture in Pain Control / Prof. Yong Qi(Wenzhou Second People's Hospital, Zhejiang, China)

23. 浮针手法治疗局部疼痛 / 潘晓川(加拿大东方医学院‧加拿大)
Floating Needling for Local Pains / Xiaochuan Pan (Canadian College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Canada)

24. 针灸美容 / Azita Sadrain (多伦多‧加拿大)
Cosmetic Acupuncture / Azita Sadrain (Toronto, Canada)

25. 心絞痛病例運用針刺手法達到氣至病所而有效的臨床體會 / 巫育輝(香港針法灸法學會)
Clinical experience of using acupuncture manipulative technique leading the "Qi" to the sick position in treatment of angina pectoris /Jason Mo (Hong Kong, China)



理  論  探  索  篇

1. “”/匡海学 (黑龙江中医药大学‧中国)
Haixue Kuang (Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, China)

2. 关于构建针灸临床辩证施治体系的思考/梁繁荣  (成都中医药大学‧中国)
Recommendations on the Establishment of Acupuncture Differentiation System /   Fanrong Liang, etc. (Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

Introduction of Ancient Chinese Meridian Therapies' Theory and Practice / David Liu, etc (Toronto International Health Qigong Association, Canada)

4. 头穴针刺治疗中风偏瘫方法的临床研究概况/王海桥等(上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国)
Clinical Research Survey on Methods of Scalp Acupuncture Treatment for apoplectic Hemiplegia / Hai-qiao Wang, etc (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,  China)

5. 头穴透刺治疗急性中风病针刺部位特异性临床研究/刘建浩等 (上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国

Clinical Research of Treatment on Apoplexy with the Specificity of Location by Scalp Penetration Acupuncture / Jian-hao Liu, etc (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,  China)

6. 试论“阴阳调衡透刺针法”对中风先兆的预处理/王凡等  (上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国)
Discussion on Pre-Treatment to Threatened Apoplexy by “Penetration Acupuncture Technique for Adjusting Yin-Yang Balance” / Fan Wang, etc (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,  China)

7. 近十年针刺手法实验研究的进展分析/王凡 (上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国)
Advances in Experimental Studies on Acupuncture Manipulation of The Past Decade / Fan Wang (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

8. 黄褐斑的中药面膜组方分析 / 刘连成(加拿大安大略中医学院2008级硕士研究生‧加拿大)
Analysis of TCM Facial Mask Treatment Formula Apply to Chloasma / Liancheng Liu  (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Graduates 2008, Canada)

9. 人迎穴考证及现代临床研究进展/夏秋芳等(上海市杨浦区老年医院‧中国)
The textual Research and the Progress of Clinical Modern Research on Renying Point  / Qiu-fang Xia, etc (Shanghai Yangpu District Aged Hospital, China)

10. 有关针刺捻转训练施力变化之分析探讨/李汉文(多伦多易理中医针灸中心‧加拿大)
An Attempt to Analyze the Change in Force in Twirling Training From a Mechanics Perspective / Han Wen Lee (HL Meridian Energy Center, Canada)

11. 针灸治疗骨质疏松症的临床研究/杨美娟 (多伦多梅中泉中医医疗中心‧加拿大)
Clinical Study of the Acupuncture Treatment of Osteoporosis / Mei Juan Yang (Toronto Mei Qian Acupuncture and Herb Center, Canada)

12. 针刺对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者血氧饱和度的影响/牛燕霞(上海市杨浦区 中医医院‧中国)
The Effect of Acupuncture on Obstructive Sleep Apnea-hypopnea Syndrome Patients in Blood Oxygen Saturation / Yanxia Niu (Yangpu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

13. 中医针灸与美容探讨/郭鲁义等(黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院‧中国)
A Discussion on Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Cosmetics / Luyi Guo (First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, China)

14. 大山良树 (帝京平成大学   日本)
Chang in Local Blood Flow Dynamics in the Fundus Induced by Acupuncture Stimulation / Yoshiki Ohyama (Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Teikyo Heisei University, Japan)

15. 浦田 繁  (铃鹿医疗科学大学  日本)

Electroacupuncture attenuates formalin-induced pain behavior in rats / Shigeru Urata, etc (Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Japan)

16. 针灸对CTX化疗小鼠骨髓细胞周期调节的研究 / 路玫等  (河南中医学院   中国)
A Research Study of the Periodic Regulation on the Effect of Acupuncture on CTX Chemotherapy on Rats’ Medullary Cell  / Mei Lu, etc (Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

17. “针刺五脏俞穴调五脏神”针法对失眠大鼠单胺类神经递质的影响/ 胡金凤等  (长春中医药大学    中国)
The therapeutic Efficacy of Acupuncture on “five viscera point” in Treating Insomnia Rats with Monoamine Neurotransmitter / Jingfeng Hu (Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

18. 活骨注射液治疗股骨头缺血性坏死临床观察/ 张晓峰  (黑龙江中医药大学附属第二医院   中国)
Clinical Observation of Huogu Injection for the Treatment of Icischemic Necrosis of Fermeral Head / Xiaofeng Zhang (Second Hospital Affiliated to HeiLongJiang University of Chinese Medicine, China)

19. 张缙教授针刺手法“动、推”名称之英译文研究/ 杨千慧((加拿大安省中医学院2007级博士研究生  加拿大)
The English Interpretation of Prof. Jin Zhang’s Needle Manipulation Methods on “Dong”, “Tui” / Jennifer Yang ( Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, PhD Graduates2007, Canada)

20. 浅谈宫颈癌的病因与防治 /毛国云(加拿大癌症治疗中心)
The Cause, Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Cancer / Richard G.Y. Mao (Canada First TCM Cancer Centre )



綜  合  類  篇

1. 二十一世纪中医国际化发展趋势及思考 / 吴滨江 (加拿大安大略中医学院  加拿大)
Developmental Trend in Internationalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 21st  Century / Binjiang Wu (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Canada) 

2. 辩证医学古今论 / 梅万方  (伦敦中医学院‧英国)
Dialectical-Based-Medicine (DBM) Traditional Prospective and Modern Interpretation / Wanfang Mei (Chinese Medical Institute of London, England)

3. 伤寒论中针灸的特色与临床价值 / 高宗桂等  (大仁科技大学‧中国台湾)
Characteristic with Clinical Value of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Shang Han Lun (a classic book of TCM) / Tsung Kuei Kao, etc (Dajen University, Taiwan, China)

4. 台湾长庚纪念医院针灸发展近况 / 魏怡嘉等  (长庚纪念医院中医医院暨长庚大学医学院‧中国台湾)
Recent Progress of Acupuncture of Chang Gung memorial hospital in Taiwan / Yi-Chia Wei, etc (Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and College of Medicine, Taiwan, China)

5. 萜烯暗光器与半萜烯器对珠兰根的植物化学研究分析 / 杨炳友等(黑龙江中医药大学)
New Lindenane Sesquiterpene and Coumarinolignan Glucosides from the Root of Chloranthus japonicas Sieb / Bingyou Yang,etc  (Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, China)

6. 解析头穴针刺治疗中风偏瘫取穴的历史沿革 / 王海桥等  (上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院‧中国)
The History of Selection Scalp Acupoint Treatment for Stroke Hemiplegia / Hai-qiao Wang (Yue Yang Affiliated hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China)

7. 关于果蝇睡眠和黑色素等相关因素作用的研究 / 李廷利等(黑龙江中医药大学‧中国)
The Study On The  Effect Of Drosophila  Melanogaster  Sleep  Related  Factors / Li Ting-li, Xu Guang-hui ( Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Haerbin )

8. 中医治疗糖尿病肾病的疗效评价 / 李平 (中日友好医院‧中国)
Outcome Evaluation of TCM Treatment on Diabetic Nephropathy / Liping (China-Japan Friendship Hospital)

9. 坐骨神经痛的中医针灸辩证施治 / 张佩琳 (加拿大安省中医学院2008级硕士研究生‧加拿大)
Differentiation Treatment of Sciatica at Acupuncture / Peilin Zhang (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Graduates 2008, Canada)

10. 气功外气疗法 / 钟义霖等(多伦多气功针灸推拿痛症医疗中心‧加拿大)
External Qigong Therapy / Ivan Chung (Toronto Acupuncture & Tuina Pain Center Canada)

11. 针刺配合情志心理疗法在戒毒临床中的应用/宋春生(加拿大安大略中医学院2006级硕士研究生‧加拿大
Acupuncture Treatment on Anti-Drug Addiction Emotional Psychotherapy / Chun Zheng Sung (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Graduates 2006, Canada)

12. 芳香疗法与灸法的比较研究 / 庄医旬(加拿大安大略中医学院2007级硕士研究生‧加拿大)
A Comparative Study of Moxibustion and Aromatherapy / Julie Yi-Hsun Chung (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Graduates 2007, Canada)

13. 针灸推拿与激痛点疗法治疗膝关节疼痛的临床比较 / 蔡岳云(加拿大安大略中医学院2007级硕士研究生  加拿大)
Comparative Study of Acupuncture with Tuina and Trigger Points Reduction Techniques / Yueyun Cai(Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Graduates 2007, Canada)

14. 中日针灸文献计量分析 / 高竞(加拿大安大略中医学院2008级博士研究生‧美国)
Analysis of China-Japan Acupuncture Literature Measures / Jing Gao (Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ph.D Graduates 2008, U.S.A)

15. 针灸对疤痕组织和疼痛的治疗 / 吕琴文 (美国)
Dissolve Scar Tissue and Relieve Pain / Qinwen Lu(U.S.A.)

16. 北美传统医学—骨疗技术的哲理简介 / 捷克波 (加拿大安大略专业骨疗师联合会)
North America Traditional Medicine – Philosophy of Osteopathy / Jacob Brainis (Ontario Federation of Osteopathic Professionals)

17. 针灸推拿配合关节松动术治疗肩周炎体会 / 杨日松(能量隧道现代中医诊所‧加拿大)
Acupuncture and Tuina in combine therapy with Joint Mobilization in Treating Scapulohumeral Periarthritis   / Songri Yang (Energy Tunnel TCM Clinic, Canada)

18. 常见中药饮片误用及后果评析并快速鉴别方法简介 /毛国云(加拿大中藥師學會)
A Study of Common Misuse and Consequence of Chinese Herbs and the Quick Distinquishing Methods / Richard G.Y. Mao, Canada Association of TCM Herbalists

If you want to get the whole paper, please contact us (905-477-8855) or info@tcmace.com.
