暨“2025第 12届加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会”


2022 大会论文题目

2022 Academic Paper 

1. 張縉教授在針刺手法發展上的貢獻及其相關學術思想的研究

Professor Zhang Jin's contribution to the development of acupuncture manipulation and research on related academic thoughts

--------------------------------------------- 張慶濱Qingbin Zhang

2. 針尖上的科學與藝術 - 張縉針刺手法學派和傳承

Science and art at the tip of the needle - Zhangjin Acupuncture School and Inheritance
--------------------------------------------- 吳濱江Benjamin Wu

3. 張縉針刺手法學術思想繼承,傳承與發展

Inheritance and Development of Zhang Jin's Academic Thought of Acupuncture Techniques

--------------------------------------------- 東貴榮Guirong Dong

4. 學習張縉教授針刺手法臨床心得體會
Learning experience of acupuncture technique from professor ZHANG Jin
--------------------------------------------- 薛宏昇Horng-Sheng Shiue

5. 張縉教授關於針刺手法形成與發展的研究

Professor Zhang Jin's research on the formation and development of acupuncture manipulation
--------------------------------------------- 夏林軍Linjun Xia

6. 張縉教授對“龍、虎、龜、鳳”古典仿生學手法研究的學術貢獻

Professor Zhang Jin's Academic Contribution to the Manipulative Research on the Classical Biomimicry of "Dragon, Tiger, Turtle, and Phoenix
--------------------------------------------- 劉高峰Gaofeng Liu

7. 調神理論在神經系統疾病中應用

Application of the Theory of Adjusting the Mind in Nervous System Diseases
--------------------------------------------- 王順Shun Wang

8. 溫針透灸的臨床應用

Clinical application of warm needling and penetrating moxibustion

--------------------------------------------- 高希言Xiyan Gao

9. 膝蓋損傷後中醫運動康復治療
Acupuncture treatments for knee injuries
--------------------------------------------- 劉 東 David Dong Liu

10. 動筋針療法之動態留針
The Dynamic Retaining Needles of Motion Acupuncture
-------------------------------------------- -陳德成 Decheng Chen

11. 時空針灸在新冠長期病症和疫苗不良反應的運用

The application of ATAS spatiotemporal acupuncture in the COVID-19 long-term illness of the new crown and adverse reactions of vaccines --------------------------------------------- 朱勉生Miansheng Zhu

12. 針灸治療不孕症

Acupuncture treatment for infertility
---------------------------------------------胡 曼 Amir Hooman Kazemi

13. 頭針治療新冠長期病症及疫苗不良反應

Scalp acupuncture for the treatment of long-term symptoms of the new crown and adverse reactions to vaccines

--------------------------------------------- 郝吉順Jason Jishun Hao

14. 新冠疫後的思考

Perspective on post Covid pandemic

--------------------------------------------- 田海河Haihe Tian
15. 如何認識中醫情志理論對現代心理學的重大貢獻

How to understand the great contribution of TCM emotional theory to modern psychology

--------------------------------------------- 楊常青Joseph Changqing Yang

16. 同仁特色針法治療耳鳴耳聾的臨床研究

Clinical research on the treatment of Tinnitus and deafness by Tongren Hospital special acupuncture method

--------------------------------------------- 陳陸泉Luquan Chen

17. 香砂六君子湯加減治愈嘈雜及吐酸個案

Treating gastric upset and acid regurgitation with modified Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang

--------------------------------------------- 馮新偉Leo Fung

18. 中醫藥針灸領域數字營銷的進展

The Advancement of Digital Marketing in the TCM and Acupuncture Fields
--------------------------------------------- 孔 杰Robert Coons

19. 李墨林推拿手法介紹與研究

Introduction and research of the Li Mo Lin's tuina techniques

---------------------------------------------  Henry Tarason Medina

20. 從6例omicron感染案例淺談中醫康復治療手段

A Brief discussion about TCM rehab methods of 6 Omicron cases

--------------------------------------------- 黄昕Cindy Xin Huang

21. 淺談 TSW 的中醫治療

A brief discussion on treating TSW using classic TCM methods

--------------------------------------------- 郭小健David Xiao Jiang Guo

22. 應對新冠中醫針灸研究進展

Research progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture in response to COVID-19

--------------------------------------------- Vanessa Quesnel & Mostafa Asgarian

If you want to get the whole paper, please contact us (905-477-8855) or info@tcmace.com.