黄国健 博士 (加拿大)

Dr. Huang Guojian (CANADA)

王一苇 (美国)
Yiwei Wang (USA)

沈福隆 注册中医师 (印尼)

 Didik Waluyo  R.TCMP (INDONESIA)

周喜平教授  (美国)

Prof. Zhou Xiping (USA)

​​Topic: A Quantitative Study on Acupuncture Treatment of Neck and Shoulder Pain and Acupuncture Techniques

Prof. Guo Zhaoqi - Director, Sina Acupuncture Clinic (Ottawa)
Guo Zhaoqi attended Nanjing Railway Medical College from 1965 to 1970 and later earned a master's degree in medicine from Tianjin Medical College between 1980 and 1982. In 1990, he founded the Sino Acupuncture Clinic in Ottawa, where he has been practicing since. He has mainly engaged in the theoretical innovation and clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture. Initially, his research focused on acupoint methods, and later, he expanded his studies under several distinguished teachers. Particularly after his studies with Professor Zhang Jin in 2014, Guo gained a deeper understanding of acupuncture techniques, significantly improving the outcomes of his clinical treatments. Consequently, his reputation has grown rapidly.

程为平 教授(中国)

Prof. Cheng Weiping (CHINA)

Topic: Skillful Use of Acupuncture Manipulation Techniques as an Important Means to Improve Clinical Efficacy

Prof. Wu Binjiang - World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies awarded "International Prestigious Teacher" (Toronto, Canada)

Professor Wu Binjiang, Ph.D. supervisor and registered Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, serves as the President of the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine  in Canada. He holds positions as Vice President of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies and the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, Director of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies’ Heritage Committee, and Vice Chair of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies’ Education Guidance Committee. He  studied under renowned acupuncture mentor Professor Xuetai Wang and eminent TCM Qigong expert Professor Guorui Jiao. He is a direct disciple of Professor Jin Zhang, an inheritor of TCM acupuncture, recognized as part of humanity’s intangible cultural heritage.  His research interests include acupuncture techniques, Qigong for health preservation, insomnia, uterine bleeding, infertility, and psychosomatic diseases. In recent years, he has conducted significant research on the overseas strategic development and teaching of Chinese medicine. He was the chief editor of "The Science and Art on the Tip of the Needle," which won the first prize in the inaugural book awards of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies in 2023,  and the associate chief editor of the second edition of "Great Achievements in Acupuncture" (a million-word volume). He authored the monograph" Dr.Wu’s Head Massage Therapy,"  has been published in six languages: Chinese, English, Hungarian, French, Spanish and Vietnamese, and has published over 480 papers and reports. His creation, " Dr.Wu’s Head Massage Therapy" has been promoted globally and is gradually forming a new school of thought overseas.

讲座题目: 动筋针医学精要

陈德成,医学博士(针灸学专业),美国执照针灸医师,现任美国纽约自然针灸健康中心德医堂院长、世界针灸联合会美国纽约中医针灸传承基地主任、美国中医针灸传承学会会长、世界中医学会联合会外治法专业委员会副会长和世界针联执委。动筋针疗法创始人,动筋针发明人,荣获2项动筋针发明专利, 2023年荣列北京市海外华侨华人中医药“百人百项”传承代表。

陈德成 教授  (美国)
Dr. Decheng Chen (USA)

邹  伟 教授 (中国)​​

Prof. Zou Wei (CHINA)



​​Topic: The pain under the iceberg: Cluster Analysis in Acupuncture treatment of Chronic Pain

Wang Yiwei - Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, is a licensed in China and United States
Dr. Wang's 15 years of professional experience encompass clinical trials, fundamental research, and TCM education. As an educator, his is one of the most popular professors among students. Clinically, he focuses on pain management using acupuncture, herbal medicine, and specialized diaphragmatic breathing techniques. His research includes data mining and artificial intelligence, and 5 papers have published several papers in these areas. Dr. Wang is also an expert in TCM interpretation and translation, accumulating over 300 hours of simultaneous interpretation and translating more than 230,000 words.


靳振洋研究员,北京中医药大学医汇云萃中医大数据云平台执行主编,全国中医药高等学会教育技术研究会会长。从1981年起,北京中医药大学靳振洋 研究员 带领团队就开始建立医汇云萃中医大数据云平台,数据库建设有中医教学数据系统、历代经方数据库、中药数据库、针灸推拿数据库、中医古籍数据库、中医特色民间疗法数据库、中医智能辅助诊疗、中医考试题库、保健养生数据库、药膳药酒美容方数据库;其核心功能包括国医大师视频讲座、国医大师诊疗视频、辨证论治、辨病论治、珍贵文献、中药辨识、中医论坛等。平台适合所有中医师、中医爱好者、西学中临床医生进行专业学习和利用零碎时间学习。云平台以抢救中医绝技为己任、以提高中医的技能为目标,将成为中医教育学习第一互联网品牌。

唐  强 教授 (中国)

  Prof.Tang Qiang (CHINA)

讲座题目: 基于动态脉诊的虚寒型痛症针刺手法应用体会


耿军 副主任医师 (中国)
Geng Jun (China)


黄国健博士,南京中医药大学中西医结合硕士研究生,加拿大马尼托巴大学医学院从事博士后。现为加拿大中医针灸联盟主席,加拿大安康中医药针灸康复中心主席, 加拿大迷你刃针疗法研究会会长, 世界整合医学联合会终身共同主席。擅长应用迷你刃针疗法,放血疗法,腕踝针疗法,艾灸疗法及中医中药治疗各种常见病及疑难病症。是加拿大迷你刃针浅刺解结疗法的发明人。

讲座题目: 中医正骨手法配合功能康复治疗小儿脊柱侧弯临床研究


Topic: The necessity, practicality and foresight of the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Canada to offer the course "TCM Geriatrics"

Prof. Hu Chunshen - Professor of Southwest Medical University

Professor Hu Chunshen is a professor, doctoral supervisor, and chief TCM physician at Southwest Medical University in China. He is a nationally renowned expert in traditional Chinese medicine and a distinguished professor at three universities of traditional Chinese medicine in Canada, the United States, and France. He is well-versed in TCM classics and excels in syndrome differentiation and treatment, with extensive experience in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. He has authored 10 books, achieved 10 significant accomplishments, written hundreds of papers and popular science articles, and produced more than 100 audio and video collections, as well as an expert system.

讲座题目: "鬼穴十三"及其临床应用

亨利·塔拉佐纳博士 (Dr. Henry Tarazona),B.M., M.D., & Ph.D.中医针灸学博士,毕业于中国天津中医药大学。他在中国拥有超过10年的中医和针灸临床经验,师从著名教授王金贵获得岐黄学者奖,该奖项是授予中国最优秀的中医医生之一。亨利医生在针灸、推拿和中草药治疗方面拥有丰富的经验,自2017年以来,他一直是一位备受欢迎的讲师和导师,目前在全球多个国家(如巴西、智利、希腊、加拿大、中国等)进行中医讲座。此外,他还多次受邀参加中国的各类电视节目。他的专长是内科以及金骨推拿腹部按摩技术,主要治疗神经和胃肠疾病,如痉挛性斜颈、慢性疲劳综合征、肠易激综合征、癫痫、帕金森等。目前,他在加拿大安大略中医学院、希腊雅典东亚医学院和智利道生中医学院担任导师。

冯新伟 教授 (加拿大)

Prof. Leo Fung (Canada)

Topic: Essential of Motion Acupuncture Medicine

Prof. Decheng Chen (USA) - President of New York Natural Acupuncture and Wellness

Dr. Chen Decheng, Ph.D in Acupuncture, is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of New York, USA. Currently He is President of New York Natural Acupuncture and Wellness, he holds the position of President at the American TCM Acupuncture Inheritance Association. Dr. Chen Decheng is also the Vice President of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies' Committee on External Therapies and a member of the Executive Committee of the WFAS. Notably, he is the inventor of Motion Acupuncture, holding two patents related to this innovative technique and needle. In 2023, he has been listed as one of the "Hundred People and Hundred Items" inheritance representatives of overseas Chinese in Beijing.
Educationally, Dr. Chen Decheng earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and his Ph.D. from Nanjing University of TCM. Prior to his current roles, he worked at the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Research Institute of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing, China, In 2001, he immigrated to the United States, amassing over 30 years of extensive clinical experience in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Dr. Chen Decheng is a prolific author, having written 17 specialized books on Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Some notable titles include "Chinese Acupuncture Monotherapy," "Chinese Acupuncture for Specific Points," "Comprehensive Book of Chinese Acupuncture for Beauty and Anti-aging," and "Motion Acupuncture Therapy." In addition to his books, he has published over 100 noteworthy articles on Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Dr. Chen Decheng is currently dedicated to the global promotion and training of Motion Acupuncture. For further information, please visit www.bestacupunctureclinic.com.

Dr. Reginald Filho 海金沙 博士 (巴西)

Dr. Reginald Filho (Brazil)

Topic: The Most Effective Solution for Soft Tissue Injury Pain by Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy

Dr. Huang Guojian - President of the Canadian Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy Research Association

Dr. Huang Guojian pursued a master's degree in integrated Chinese and Western medicine at Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. He was appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine in Canada. Currently, he serves as the president of the Alliance of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine of Canada (AACMC), Director of the AnKang Acupuncture Healing Center in Canada, president of the Canadian Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy Research Association, and lifelong co-chair of the World Federation of Integrative Medicine. He excels in applying mini ren acupuncture therapy, bloodletting therapy, wrist-ankle acupuncture therapy, moxibustion therapy, and Chinese herbal medicine to treat various common and complex diseases. He is the inventor of mini ren acupuncture therapy in Canada.

​​​​Topic: Traditional Chinese medicine theory and clinical practice of Guan's abdominal vibrating therapy application

Dr. Guan Pengfei - The Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Dr. Guan Pengfei, a master's degree student specializing in the clinical integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, serves as a traditional Chinese medicine physician at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Clinically, he excels in utilizing comprehensive therapies such as acupuncture, massage, organ massage, finger acupuncture, ear acupuncture, and traditional Chinese medicine to treat conditions like cervical spondylosis, thoracic joint disorder syndrome, lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal stenosis, sciatica, and shoulder disease. He also effectively treats periarthritis, tennis elbow, knee osteoarthritis, knee osteodegenerative arthritis, heel pain, other types of osteoarthritis, as well as common internal and gynecological diseases, frequently-occurring diseases, and psychosomatic disorders. He is particularly skilled in abdominal vibration therapy and acupoint therapy, having treated over 10,000 patients with these methods through years of clinical work.

​​​​​Topic:  Dr. Zhou's  scalp  and  Back-Shu/Front Mu Tandem Advanced Needling Technique For Alzheimer's Disease 

Prof. Zhou Xiping - Professor of American Academy of Health and Wellness
American licensed acupuncturist, graduated from Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China, majoring in acupuncture. He is currently the president of the American Academy of Health and Wellness in Roseville, Minnesota, which offers master's and doctoral programs in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. He is also the founder and president of East-West Healing Arts Institute with campuses in Madison and Milwaukee.
Clinically, he specializes in treating migraines and menstrual headaches, employs a one-needle technique for acute and chronic low back pain, uses unique massage techniques for neuro-orthopedic pain, and focuses on women's health, including infertility and menopause, as well as post-stroke recovery.

​​Topic: Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment for Dysphagia after Stroke

Prof. Zhu Luwen - Director of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of  Chinese Medicine.
ZHU Luwen, professor, doctoral supervisor, director of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of  Chinese Medicine. Young scholar of Qi Huang and Provincial Youth Famous TCM doctor. Vice Chairman of the Youth Committee of the Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association, Vice Chairman of the Chinese and Western Medicine Professional Committee of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medical Association. He is mainly engaged in hospital management of traditional Chinese medicine, clinical diagnosis and treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion/rehabilitation for stroke in cold regions and research on its mechanism of action.

Topic: Stroke Rehabilitation Strategy - Acupuncture Rehabilitation Method

Prof.Tang Qiang - Professor at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine

TANG Qiang, professor, doctoral supervisor, and director of the Key Laboratory of Brain Function and Neurorehabilitation in Heilongjiang Province. State Council special allowance recipient, Scholar of Longjiang, provincial famous TCM doctor. Vice President of China Rehabilitation Medicine Association and President of Heilongjiang Rehabilitation Medicine Association. A series of studies have been conducted on traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation for neurological diseases, and a acupuncture rehabilitation treatment system for stroke has been established, which is widely used both domestically and internationally.

​​​​Topic: ​Traditional Chinese medicine big data serves general practitioners

Jin Zhenyang Researcher - Executive Editor, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Yihui Yuncui Traditional Chinese Medicine Big Data Cloud Platform, President of the Educational Technology Research Association of the National Association for Advanced Chinese Medicine.
Since 1981, researcher Jin Zhenyang of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine has led a team to establish the Yihui Yuncui Traditional Chinese Medicine Big Data Cloud Platform. The construction of the database includes various systems and databases: a Chinese medicine teaching data system, a database of ancient prescriptions, a Chinese medicine database, an acupuncture and massage database, and a database of ancient Chinese medicine books. Additionally, there are databases for TCM characteristic folk therapies, intelligent auxiliary diagnosis and treatment, examination question banks, health care, medicinal foods, wines, and beauty prescriptions. Its core functions feature video lectures by TCM masters, diagnosis and treatment videos, syndrome differentiation and treatment, disease differentiation and treatment, access to precious literature, and traditional Chinese medicine identification. There is also a Chinese medicine forum. The platform is designed for all TCM practitioners and enthusiasts, as well as Western and Chinese clinicians, to engage in professional learning and enhance their skills in their spare time. With a mission to preserve the unique skills of TCM, the cloud platform aims to improve the capabilities of practitioners and aspires to become the leading Internet brand for TCM education and learning."

讲座题目: 论血瘀症的中药治法

冯新伟教授,1984年毕业于加拿大圣嘉芙莲巿布洛克大学的生物科学系,并以优等成绩毕业。 回港后在中国国医学院进修并于1989年取得中医学学士,从事中医教育及执业多年,2003年正式获 得香港特别行政区注册中医师的资格,2005年在英国的李斯特城大学取得教育博士学位,又于2009 年在杭州的浙江中医药大学取得医学博士学位。除历任香港理工大学兼职讲师外,过去30年来在不 同的老人大学,中学,社区中心及教会主持多个健康讲座及课程,又受聘为香港浸信宣道会属下三 所教会的驻诊中医师。 2014年来加后受聘于多伦多的安大略中医学院为教授,负责教学及指导中医 及针灸学生的临床实习工作。现为英国皇家生物学院院士及香港电脑教育学会的副主席。所出版的 著作及论文涵盖中医、教育及资讯科技。

​Topic:  Qi Acupuncture: Traversing Along Channels, Reaching The Affected Area With The Flow of Qi  

Prof. David Dong Liu - Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Expert

David Dong Liu Prof of TCM Acupuncture Program, Health Wellness, and Sciences Georgian College. He holds a doctoral degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Master's Degree in Education in Health and Kinesiology from the University of Texas at Tyler. David has been teaching and practicing Acupuncture and TuiNa since 2001 in Toronto. Besides teaching entry-level acupuncture courses, David developed four advanced acupuncture curriculums: Meridian Tapping for sports injury prevention and recovery; TCM ZangFu TuiNa & ZengGu TuiNa; TCM Qigong Manual; and Acupuncture Special Points Techniques. As an acupuncturist, David has been treating several national and international elite athletes. He attended Canadian Open, the world championship, and the European figure skating championship from 2011 to 2014. David also has been treating over ten clients with bladder or bowel dysfunction after severe Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) since 2012. The stories related to acupuncture treatment and SCI were published twice in Outspoken Magazine from SCI Ontario.

 吴滨江 教授 (加拿大)​
Prof. Wu Binjiang Benjamin (Canada)

演讲题目:​ 针灸治疗颈肩疼痛及针刺手法的量化探讨

郭兆起,1965-1970年毕业于南京铁道医学院,1980-1982获得天津医学院医学硕士学位。1990年在渥太华成立Sino Acupuncture Clinic 并工作至今。主要从事中医针灸的理论创新与临床实践。在针灸研究生涯中,起初以穴法派为主,随后几经拜师学习针灸手法,尤其在于2014年跟随张缙教授学习后,对手法治疗有了新认识,在针灸临床治疗上的效果大增,声望快速提升。

      特邀主讲嘉宾 Speakers :

​​Topic: 13 ghost point and their clinical application 

Henry Tarazona Medina - BSc. MSc. PhD (Canada)
Dr. Henry Tarazona, B.M., M.D., & Ph.D. in TCM and acupuncture, has graduated from the traditional Chinese medicine university of Tianjin in China. He has more than 10 years of clinical experience in Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in China, A direct student of well know Professor Wang Jin Gui 王金贵 winner of the Qi Huang Xue Zhe (岐黄学者)award, received for being one of the best doctors of TCM in China. Doctor Henry has a vast experience treating patients with acupuncture, Tuina and Chinese herbal medicine furthermore, well-sought-after lecturer and tutor since 2017 and is presently giving various Chinese Medicine lectures internationally in different countries around the world, in countries like Brazil, Chile, Greece, Canada, China, etc. And He has been invited in numerous Tv Show in China. His area of expertise is internal medicine and the Jin Gu Tuina Abdominal massage technique on the treatment of neurological and gastrointestinal diseases like spasmodic torticollis, CFS, IBS, epilepsy, Parkinson, etc. currently he works as a tutor for the Ontario collage of traditional Chinese medicine in Canada, The Athens collage of East Asian medicine in Greece, and the Tao Vital collage of TCM in Chile.

讲座题目: 坎离法与丹田的重要性

Dr. Reginald Filho海金沙博士,巴西中医学院创始人/院长,山东中医药大学针灸学博士,世界中医药学会联合会副教授,成都中医药大学客座教授,巴西中医杂志主编著有超过 25 本中医书籍。

​​​​Topic: ​Cheng's scalp-nape acupuncture and its clinical application

Cheng Weiping - M.D., senior medical expert, a professor, a doctoral supervisor, a renowned traditional Chinese medicine expert
Cheng Weiping, M.D., is a senior medical expert at the First Affiliated Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, a professor at the second-tier level, a doctoral supervisor, a renowned traditional Chinese medicine expert in Heilongjiang Province, one of the first batch of outstanding clinical talents in traditional Chinese medicine in China, a mentor for the seventh batch of national elderly traditional Chinese medicine experts, and the vice-chairman of the International Association for the Integration of Brain and Heart Therapies. He has dedicated many years to researching the integrated use of Western and traditional Chinese medicine for brain-related conditions. He has led and participated in over 20 research projects both domestically and internationally, garnered numerous scientific and technological awards, published over 200 academic papers, and co-authored over 10 books.



郭兆起  教授 (加拿大)

Prof. Guo Zhaoqi (CANADA)

胡春申 教授 (中国)​

Prof. Hu Chunshen (CHINA)



​ 聂卉 教授 (英国)

Prof. Nie Hui   (UK)

Topic: Therapeutic Observation on Acupuncture for Post-Stroke Insomnia with "Tong Luo An Shen"Needling Methods

Prof. Zou Wei - Vice Dean, College of Nursing, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine

ZOU Wei, associate dean, chief physician. Concurrently, he serves as the deputy director of the Brain Disease Branch of the China Association of Chinese Medicine and the executive director of the TCM Acupuncture Inheritance Committee of World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies. He has been dedicated to the research of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat brain diseases for many years. He has presided over 5 national natural science projects, won 1 second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and 11 provincial and ministerial level awards. He has published 322 papers, including 26 SCI papers.

靳振洋 研究员 (中国)

          Jin Zhenyang Researcher  (CHINA)



演讲题目: 中医推拿和人体解剖的综合性功效

沈福隆 注册中医师(印尼)毕业于湖南中医药大学,获得中医针灸推拿硕士学位。现于印尼UMS 大学和UKDC大学负责教授中医本科生的推拿课程。注重软组织损伤的治疗:从头、颈腰椎、膝、足跟和四肢疼痛的病症治疗,擅长疑难疼痛病症或顽固性久治不愈者。其手法的疗法快速、安全、疗效稳定,立即见效。

​​Topic: The acupuncture manipulation application on deficient and cold type of pain management cases based on active pulse diagnosis

Cindy Huang - R.Ac and R.TCMP, Lecturer of Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cindy has been practiced TCM for over 10 years in Canada. She graduated from the Acupuncture and Moxibustion program from Xiamen University, China and TCMP program in the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Currently she is a Clinical Supervisor in Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Topic:  Introduce to the application highlights of international standard scalp acupuncture

Prof. Nie Hui - President of the UK Alumni Association of Heilongjiang TCM University

Prof. Nie Hui earned a PhD in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture from Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine. Currently, she works at the Manchester TCM Center in the UK, serves as president of the UK Alumni Association of Heilongjiang TCM University, and is a member of the Scalp Acupuncture Council in the WFTCM. Previously, she held the position of associate professor at Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine and was the deputy director of the Department of Acupuncture and Neurology at the affiliated hospital. She also served as the academic director of the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM) for three years. Her professional specialty is scalp acupuncture. She has published over 30 articles, received three scientific research awards, co-edited three books, and authored a monograph titled 'Clinical Application of 14 Lines Scalp Acupuncture'.

讲座题目: 冰山一角:针灸治疗疼痛的聚类分析


​​Topic: Clinical study on TCM bone-setting manipulation combined with functional rehabilitation in the treatment of pediatric scoliosis

Geng Jun - Associate Chief Physician (Associate Professor),  (China)
Geng Jun, associate chief physician (associate professor), graduated from the Department of Orthopedics of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing Fengsheng Orthopedics Hospital, inheritor of Hongmiao Orthopedics, member of the Orthopedics Branch of Beijing Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, member of the Meridian and Muscle Diagnosis and Treatment Professional Committee of the Chinese Acupuncture Association

亨利·塔拉索纳·梅迪纳 (加拿大)
Henry Tarazona Medina (Canada)


吴滨江教授/博导/注册中医师,加拿⼤安⼤略中医学院院⻓、世界中医药学会联合会副主席、世界针灸学会联合会副主席、世界针联传承⼯作委员会主任委员、世界中联教育指导委员会副会⻓。师从针灸界著名导师王雪苔教授/中医⽓功界名 宿焦国瑞教授, 为⼈类⾮物资⽂化遗产“中医针灸”传承⼈张缙教授的嫡传。对针刺⼿法、⽓功养⽣、失眠、宫⾎、不孕、 ⾝⼼疾病等有所研究,近年来对中医海外战略发展和海外中医教学已进⾏了⼀定程度的研究。主编《针尖上的科学与艺术》荣获世界中医药学会联合会2023年首届著作奖的一等奖。为百万字《针灸⼤成校释》 (第 2 版)的副主编。着有《吴⽒头部推拿疗法》专著,已有中、英、法、匈牙利、西班牙和越南六种语言出版。发表论⽂及报道 480多篇。独创“吴⽒头部推拿疗法”,并朝全球推⼴,在海外已渐成学派。

​​​​​​​​Topic: The Efficiency Effect of Integrated Method in TCM Tuina and Soft Tissue Anatomy

Didik Waluyo  R.TCMP - Lecturer for Tuina at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of UMS and at UKDC University, Indonesia

Shen Fulong is a registered Chinese medicine practitioner in Indonesia who graduated from Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a master's degree in acupuncture and massage. Currently, he teaches massage courses to undergraduate students of traditional Chinese medicine at UMS University and UKDC University in Indonesia. He specializes in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, including pain in the head, neck, lumbar spine, knees, heels, and limbs, focusing particularly on difficult pain conditions or those that are stubborn and have not been cured after long-term treatment. His therapeutic method is fast, safe, stable, and immediately effective.





刘东 教授 (加拿大)​

Prof. David Dong Liu, Ph.D. (Canada)​


刘东,教授;乔治文理学院中医针灸专业教授  中国黑龙江中医药大学针灸推拿学博士、美国得克萨斯大学运动学硕士。2001年起在多伦多中医针灸推拿执业,并教授中医诊断学,针灸治疗,针刺手法、筋经扎带疗法,临床易筋经气功、中医八段锦、中医五禽戏,脏腑推拿,正骨推拿等课程。刘东中医师也是一名安省注册按摩治疗和整骨治疗师,服务社区,长期为社区健身体育、职业足球、职业滑冰、击剑、游泳运动员进行运动损伤治疗与康复训练;并受邀随队参加加拿大公开赛,世界锦标赛和欧洲花样滑冰锦标赛(2011至2014赛季)。 2012年起,刘东医师陆续治疗十余位严重脊髓损伤后排尿/便障碍患者,取得不同程度的疗效,其相关针灸治疗脊髓损伤报道,两度刊登在安省脊髓损伤康复杂志。

讲座题目: 介绍国际标准头皮针应用亮点

聂卉 教授 中医针灸学博士,毕业于黑龙江中药大学,工作英国曼城中医诊疗中心,黑龙江中医药大学英国校友会会长,世界中医药联和会头针专业委员会理事。曾任黑龙江中医药大学副教授及附属医院针灸神经内科副主任,曾任三年英国中医药学会(ATCM)学术理事。专业特长是头皮针,发表文章30余篇,科研获奖三项,合编著作3部,专著一部《十四条标准线头皮针临床应用》.


美国针灸执照师, 毕业于中国黑龙江中医药大学针灸专业。现任明尼苏达州罗斯维尔美国健康与保健学院院长,该学院可以招收中医针灸硕士和博士研究生。他还是美国东西方推拿健康研究院的创始人和院长,该学院在麦迪逊和密尔沃基各有一所分校。临床擅长治疗偏头痛、经期头痛,治疗急性和慢性腰痛的一针技术,治疗神经骨科疼痛的独特推拿技术,以及女性健康(包括不孕症和更年期)和中风后复原等。

朱路文 教授 (中国)
Prof. Zhu Luwen (CHINA)

暨“2025第 12届加拿大注册中医师针灸师继续教育学术大会”


Topic: Kan Li method and importance of Earth - Center

Dr. Reginald Filho - Founder and President of Faculdade EBRAMEC

Dr. Reginald Filho, Founder and President of Faculdade EBRAMEC; PhD on Acupuncture from Shandong University of Chinese Medicine; Associated Professor of WFCMS; Visiting Professor of Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine; Editor in chief of the Brazilian Journal of Chinese Medicine; Author of more than 25 books on Chinese Medicine.

关鹏飞 医生 (中国)

Dr. Guan Pengfei (CHINA)

Topic: Discussions of Therapeutic Methods of Blood Stasis Syndromes through Herbs

Prof. Leo Fung - Professor of Ontario College of TCM
Professor Leo Fung graduated from Biological Science in Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario and obtained Bachelor in Biological Sciences (pass with distinction) in 1984. After returning to Hong Kong, he took a Chinese Medicine program in Chinese Medical Institute and obtained the Bachelor of Chinese Traditional Medicine in 1989. He then practiced as a TCM practitioner and acupuncturists for 14 years before he became a Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in 2003. Professor Fung completed his Doctor of Education program in the University of Leicester in U.K. in 2005 and he was also awarded Doctor of Medicine from the Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine in 2009. Besides teaching in the Hong Kong Polytechnic as a visiting lecturer, he used to deliver health talks and seminars in various institutes, high schools, community centers, colleges, churches and aged homes in Hong Kong. His major research studies is internal medicine and he specializes in irritable bowel syndromes. After migrating to Canada in 2014, Professor Fung was employed by the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a professor in teaching theories in both Chinese herbs and acupuncture and clinical supervision. He is also a Chartered Biologist of Royal Society of Biology in U.K. since 1991, a reviewer of the Journal of Asia-PacificForum in Science Teaching and Learning, and the Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Association for Computer Education. His publications and papers covered Traditional Chinese Medicine, Education and Information Technology.

黄昕 (加拿大)
Cindy Xin Huang (Canada)